(Re)Starting my InfoSec studies

I've started working, officially, with Information Security back in 2012 but my personal interest began earlier while studying Linux and OS stuff. Since most of the time I spent trying to make my US Robotics soft-modem works on Linux (a lot earlier than 2012) and learning a lot about sysadmin stuff, I consider myself a “started late on internet” guy.

But this is not THAT relevant. What was most relevant were the little hiatus on my InfoSec career and studies (I'll explain another time).

But now, since I'm back (for a while), I'll return from where I stopped: vulnerability assessment (VulnAs), pentest, reverse engineering, forensic and incident response.

My favorite topics on InfoSec are Reversing Engineering, Malware Analysis and any low-level field of study (such as micro-architecture, micro/nanoelectronics). Since these knowledge won't be used/applied anytime soon (these skills are not required in my current job nor any company in my area), I'll spend my time on Vulnerability Assessment and Pentest (which I like a lot too).

I have 5+ years experience on Vuln. Ass. but fewer experience on web pentest and some experience with network pentest (among other things). Based on that, last year I started, on medical leave, to study again. My goal is to be ready to get the OSCP certification (even if I decide to not apply to the exam).

The OSCP certificate is widely acknowledge as a tough exam and it's syllabus is good as a study guide. I've already study all the OSCP content BUT it's time to spent a lot of my time trying to actually hack machines and networks. Reading isn't enough (obviously).

So, the next step is to use my already existing HackTheBox account and hack some boxes.

Until next time,